datasets module
Base dataset class used to define an EE image collection by datetime and geographic region
A dataset wraps an ee.ImageCollection by applying the spatial and temporal filtering upon init. Provides utility functionality to make working with and managing image collections less verbose
Create a dataset object for Sentinel-1 data over Alabama for 2019
>>> ds = Dataset(
... region = ee.Geometry.Rectangle([
... start_time = "2019-01-01",
... end_time = "2020-01-01",
... asset_id = "COPERNICUS/S1_GRD"
... )
>>> ds
HYDRAFloods Dataset:
{'asset_id': 'COPERNICUS/S1_GRD',
'end_time': '2020-01-01',
'name': 'Dataset',
'region': [[[...], [...], [...], [...], [...]]],
'start_time': '2019-01-01'}
Source code in hydrafloods/
class Dataset:
"""Base dataset class used to define an EE image collection by datetime and geographic region
A dataset wraps an ee.ImageCollection by applying the spatial and temporal filtering upon init.
Provides utility functionality to make working with and managing image collections less verbose
Create a dataset object for Sentinel-1 data over Alabama for 2019
>>> ds = Dataset(
... region = ee.Geometry.Rectangle([
... start_time = "2019-01-01",
... end_time = "2020-01-01",
... asset_id = "COPERNICUS/S1_GRD"
... )
>>> ds
HYDRAFloods Dataset:
{'asset_id': 'COPERNICUS/S1_GRD',
'end_time': '2020-01-01',
'name': 'Dataset',
'region': [[[...], [...], [...], [...], [...]]],
'start_time': '2019-01-01'}
def __init__(self, region, start_time, end_time, asset_id, use_qa=False):
"""Initialize Dataset class
region (ee.Geometry): earth engine geometry object to filter image collection by
start_time (str | datetime.datetime): start time used to filter image collection
end_time (str | datetime.datetime): end time used to filter image collection
asset_id (str): asset id of earth engine collection
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use an internal function qa().
Used for definining custom dataset objects
AttributeError: if qa() method is not defined and use_qa is True
# TODO: add exceptions to check datatypes
self.region = region # dtype = ee.Geometry
self.start_time = start_time
self.end_time = end_time
self.asset_id = asset_id
self.use_qa = use_qa
# dictionary mapping of band names used to harmonized optical datasets to same names
self.BANDREMAP = ee.Dictionary(
"landsat7": ee.List(["SR_B1", "SR_B2", "SR_B3", "SR_B4", "SR_B5", "SR_B7"]),
"landsat8": ee.List(["SR_B2", "SR_B3", "SR_B4", "SR_B5", "SR_B6", "SR_B7"]),
"viirs": ee.List(["M2", "M4", "I1", "I2", "I3", "M11"]),
"sen2": ee.List(["B2", "B3", "B4", "B8", "B11", "B12"]),
"modis": ee.List(
"new": ee.List(["blue", "green", "red", "nir", "swir1", "swir2"]),
# get the image collection and filter by geographic region and date time
imgcollection = (
.filterDate(self.start_time, self.end_time)
# check if to apply arbitrary qa process on collection
# qa function can be defined in custom objects extending dataset
if self.use_qa:
imgcollection =
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(
"qa() method is not defined...please define one or set `use_qa` to False"
self.collection = imgcollection
def __repr__(self):
# format datetime information
if isinstance(self.start_time, datetime.datetime):
ststr = self.start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
ststr = self.start_time
if isinstance(self.end_time, datetime.datetime):
etstr = self.end_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
etstr = self.end_time
# create dict of dataset information
objDict = {
"name": self.__class__.__name__,
"asset_id": self.asset_id,
"start_time": ststr,
"end_time": etstr,
"region": self.region.coordinates().getInfo(),
# pretty format dict and return information
strRepr = pformat(objDict, depth=3)
return f"HYDRAFloods Dataset:\n{strRepr}"
def collection(self):
"""image collection object property wrapped by dataset"""
return self._collection
def collection(self, value):
"""setter function for collection property"""
self._collection = value
def n_images(self):
"""Number of images contained in the dataset"""
return self.collection.size().getInfo()
def dates(self):
"""Dates of imagery contained in the image collection"""
eeDates = self.collection.aggregate_array("system:time_start").map(
lambda x: ee.Date(x).format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")
return eeDates.getInfo()
def from_imgcollection(img_collection):
"""Static method to convert an ee.ImageCollection object to a hf.Dataset object.
This method will take some time as it uses computed ee Objects from the image collection
propeties to populate the Dataset object properties (passing info from server to client)
img_collection (ee.ImageCollection): computed ee.ImageCollection object to create a hf.Dataset
hf.Dataset: dataset object with property information directly from the ee.ImageCollection
# get region and date information
region = (
# convert ee.Date info to string format
dates = (
.map(lambda x: ee.Date(x).format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S"))
# pull the date info to local strings
start_time = dates.get(0).getInfo()
end_time = dates.get(-1).getInfo()
# get the collection id for `.asset_id` property
collection_id = img_collection.get("system:id").getInfo()
if collection_id == "None":
collection_id = "Custom ImageCollection"
# make a dummy dataset
dummy_ds = Dataset(
# override the dummy dataset information with the correct data fr
dummy_ds.asset_id = collection_id
dummy_ds.collection = img_collection
return dummy_ds
def qa(
def _inplace_wrapper(self, collection, inplace):
"""Private helper function to replace the collection info for a class
typically used when other class methods have inplace
if inplace:
self.collection = collection
outCls = self.copy()
outCls.collection = collection
return outCls
def copy(self):
"""returns a deep copy of the hydrafloods dataset class"""
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def apply_func(self, func, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper method to apply a function to all of the image in the dataset.
Makes a copy of the collection and reassigns the image collection property.
Function must accept an ee.ImageCollection and return an ee.ImageCollection
func (object): Function to map across image collection. Function must accept ee.Image as first argument
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
**kwargs: arbitrary keyword to pass to `func`
Dataset | None: copy of class with results from `func` as image within collection property
# get a partial function to map over imagery with the keywords applied
# expects that the first positional arg is an
func = partial(func, **kwargs)
out_coll =
return self._inplace_wrapper(out_coll, inplace)
def apply(self, func, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs):
"""Alias for the `apply_func` method
func (object): Function to map across image collection. Function must accept ee.Image as first argument
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
**kwargs: arbitrary keyword to pass to `func`
Dataset | None: copy of class with results from `func` as image within collection property
return self.apply_func(func, inplace, *args, *kwargs)
def filter(self, filter, inplace=False):
"""Wrapper method for applying a filter to a datset collection.
filter (ee.Filter): an `ee.Filter` object to apply to the dataset collection.
Dataset | None: returns the dataset with the filtered collection.
filtered = self.collection.filter(filter)
return self._inplace_wrapper(filtered, inplace)
def select(self, *args, inplace=False):
"""Wrapper method for selecting bands from dataset collection
*args: arbitrary arguments to pass to the `` method
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns the dataset with the collection with selected bands.
selected =*args)
return self._inplace_wrapper(selected, inplace)
def clip_to_region(self, inplace=False):
"""Clips all of the images to the geographic extent defined by region.
Useful for setting geometries on unbounded imagery in collection (e.g. MODIS or VIIRS imagery)
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset with imagery clipped to self.region or none depending on inplace
def clip(img):
"""Closure function to perform the clipping while carrying metadata"""
return ee.Image(img.clip(self.region))
out_coll =
return self._inplace_wrapper(out_coll, inplace)
def merge(self, dataset, inplace=False):
"""Merge the collection of two datasets into one where self.collection will contain imagery from self and dataset arg.
Results will be sorted by time
dataset (Dataset): dataset object to merge
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset where collection is merged imagery or none depending on inplace
merged = self.collection.merge(dataset.collection).sort("system:time_start")
return self._inplace_wrapper(merged, inplace)
def join(self, dataset, inplace=False):
"""Performs spatiotemporal join between self.collection and dataset.collection.
Result will be a dataset where the collection is colocated imagery in space and time
dataset (Dataset): dataset object to apply join with. Used as right in join operations
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset where collection with joined imagery or none depending on inplace
def _merge(img):
"""Closure func to take results from the join and combine into one image with overlaping region"""
join_coll = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(img.get(key))
img_geom = img.geometry(100)
join_geom =
overlap = img_geom.intersection(join_geom, 100)
join_data = join_coll.mosaic()
return img.addBands(join_data).clip(overlap)
key = str(dataset.__class__.__name__)
# get a time and space filter
filter = ee.Filter.And(
"difference": 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, # One day in milliseconds
"leftField": "system:time_start",
"rightField": "system:time_start",
**{"leftField": ".geo", "rightField": ".geo", "maxError": 100}
# apply join on collections and save all results
joined = ee.ImageCollection(
primary=self.collection, secondary=dataset.collection, condition=filter
# map over all filtered imagery, mosaic joined matches, and add bands to imagery
joined =
return self._inplace_wrapper(joined, inplace)
def aggregate_time(
"""Aggregates multiple images into one based on time periods and a user defined reducer.
Useful for mosaicing images from same date or time period.
Expects the images in this dataset to be homogenous (same band names and types)
dates (list[str], optional): list of dates defined as beginning time period of aggregatation. default = None,
all available uniques dates in collection will be used
period (int, optional): number of days to advance from dates for aggregation. default = 1
period_unit (str, optional): time unit to advance period for aggregation. default = "day"
reducer (str | ee.Reducer, optional): reducer to apply to images for aggregation, accepts string reducer name
or ee.Reducer opbject, default = "mean"
clip_to_area (bool): switch to clip imagery that has been merged to the overlaping region of imagery, default=False
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset.collection with aggregated imagery or none depending on inplace
def _aggregation(d):
"""Closure function to map through days and reduce data within a given time period"""
t1 = ee.Date(d)
t2 = t1.advance(period, period_unit)
img = (
self.collection.filterDate(t1, t2)
.set("system:time_start", t1.millis())
if rename:
img = img.rename(band_names)
geom = (
self.collection.filterDate(t1, t2).map(geeutils.get_geoms)
outimg = ee.Algorithms.If(clip_to_area, img.clip(geom), img)
return outimg
if dates is None:
dates = (
.map(lambda x: ee.Date(x).format("YYYY-MM-dd"))
dates = ee.List(dates)
band_names = ee.Image(self.collection.first()).bandNames()
out_coll = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(
return self._inplace_wrapper(out_coll, inplace)
def band_pass_adjustment(self, img):
"""Method to apply linear band transformation to dataset image collection.
Expects that dataset has properties `self.gain` and `self.bias` set
img (ee.Image): image to apply regression on
# linear regression coefficients for adjustment
return (
.set("system:time_start", img.get("system:time_start"))
def pipe(self, steps, inplace=False, keep_attrs=True):
"""Method to pipe imagery within dataset through multiple functions at once.
Assumes the first argument into piped functions are and ee.Image
steps (list | tuple): iterable of functions/steps to apply to imagery.
list must be in the form of (func,func) or with a tuple of function/keyword ((func,kwargs),func)
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset.collection with piped functions applied
s1 = hf.Sentinel1(ee.Geometry.Point(105.03,11.72),"2019-10-03","2019-10-05")
water = s1.pipe(
hf.gamma_map, #apply speckle filter
(hf.egde_ostu,{'initial_threshold:-16}) # apply water mapping
def _piper(funcs):
"""Closure function to nest list of functions"""
if len(funcs) > 1:
one_shotter = funcs[0]
for func in funcs[1:]:
one_shotter = pipe | one_shotter | func
one_shotter = funcs[0]
return one_shotter
fs = []
# loop through the steps and create partial funcs is kwargs are provided
for step in steps:
func, kwargs = step
except TypeError:
func = step
kwargs = None
if kwargs is not None:
pfunc = partial(func, **kwargs)
pfunc = func
# get the piped function
if keep_attrs:
one_shot = decorators.keep_attrs(_piper(fs))
one_shot = _piper(fs)
# apply pipe to each image
out_coll = img: one_shot(img))
return self._inplace_wrapper(out_coll, inplace)
image collection object property wrapped by dataset
Dates of imagery contained in the image collection
Number of images contained in the dataset
__init__(self, region, start_time, end_time, asset_id, use_qa=False)
Initialize Dataset class
Name | Type | Description | Default |
region |
ee.Geometry |
earth engine geometry object to filter image collection by |
required |
start_time |
str | datetime.datetime |
start time used to filter image collection |
required |
end_time |
str | datetime.datetime |
end time used to filter image collection |
required |
asset_id |
str |
asset id of earth engine collection |
required |
use_qa |
bool |
boolean to determine to use an internal function qa(). Used for definining custom dataset objects |
False |
Type | Description |
AttributeError |
if qa() method is not defined and use_qa is True |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def __init__(self, region, start_time, end_time, asset_id, use_qa=False):
"""Initialize Dataset class
region (ee.Geometry): earth engine geometry object to filter image collection by
start_time (str | datetime.datetime): start time used to filter image collection
end_time (str | datetime.datetime): end time used to filter image collection
asset_id (str): asset id of earth engine collection
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use an internal function qa().
Used for definining custom dataset objects
AttributeError: if qa() method is not defined and use_qa is True
# TODO: add exceptions to check datatypes
self.region = region # dtype = ee.Geometry
self.start_time = start_time
self.end_time = end_time
self.asset_id = asset_id
self.use_qa = use_qa
# dictionary mapping of band names used to harmonized optical datasets to same names
self.BANDREMAP = ee.Dictionary(
"landsat7": ee.List(["SR_B1", "SR_B2", "SR_B3", "SR_B4", "SR_B5", "SR_B7"]),
"landsat8": ee.List(["SR_B2", "SR_B3", "SR_B4", "SR_B5", "SR_B6", "SR_B7"]),
"viirs": ee.List(["M2", "M4", "I1", "I2", "I3", "M11"]),
"sen2": ee.List(["B2", "B3", "B4", "B8", "B11", "B12"]),
"modis": ee.List(
"new": ee.List(["blue", "green", "red", "nir", "swir1", "swir2"]),
# get the image collection and filter by geographic region and date time
imgcollection = (
.filterDate(self.start_time, self.end_time)
# check if to apply arbitrary qa process on collection
# qa function can be defined in custom objects extending dataset
if self.use_qa:
imgcollection =
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(
"qa() method is not defined...please define one or set `use_qa` to False"
self.collection = imgcollection
aggregate_time(self, dates=None, period=1, period_unit='day', reducer='mean', rename=True, clip_to_area=False, inplace=False)
Aggregates multiple images into one based on time periods and a user defined reducer. Useful for mosaicing images from same date or time period. Expects the images in this dataset to be homogenous (same band names and types)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dates |
list[str] |
list of dates defined as beginning time period of aggregatation. default = None, all available uniques dates in collection will be used |
None |
period |
int |
number of days to advance from dates for aggregation. default = 1 |
1 |
period_unit |
str |
time unit to advance period for aggregation. default = "day" |
'day' |
reducer |
str | ee.Reducer |
reducer to apply to images for aggregation, accepts string reducer name or ee.Reducer opbject, default = "mean" |
'mean' |
clip_to_area |
bool |
switch to clip imagery that has been merged to the overlaping region of imagery, default=False |
False |
inplace |
bool |
define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False |
False |
Type | Description |
Dataset | None |
returns dataset.collection with aggregated imagery or none depending on inplace |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def aggregate_time(
"""Aggregates multiple images into one based on time periods and a user defined reducer.
Useful for mosaicing images from same date or time period.
Expects the images in this dataset to be homogenous (same band names and types)
dates (list[str], optional): list of dates defined as beginning time period of aggregatation. default = None,
all available uniques dates in collection will be used
period (int, optional): number of days to advance from dates for aggregation. default = 1
period_unit (str, optional): time unit to advance period for aggregation. default = "day"
reducer (str | ee.Reducer, optional): reducer to apply to images for aggregation, accepts string reducer name
or ee.Reducer opbject, default = "mean"
clip_to_area (bool): switch to clip imagery that has been merged to the overlaping region of imagery, default=False
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset.collection with aggregated imagery or none depending on inplace
def _aggregation(d):
"""Closure function to map through days and reduce data within a given time period"""
t1 = ee.Date(d)
t2 = t1.advance(period, period_unit)
img = (
self.collection.filterDate(t1, t2)
.set("system:time_start", t1.millis())
if rename:
img = img.rename(band_names)
geom = (
self.collection.filterDate(t1, t2).map(geeutils.get_geoms)
outimg = ee.Algorithms.If(clip_to_area, img.clip(geom), img)
return outimg
if dates is None:
dates = (
.map(lambda x: ee.Date(x).format("YYYY-MM-dd"))
dates = ee.List(dates)
band_names = ee.Image(self.collection.first()).bandNames()
out_coll = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(
return self._inplace_wrapper(out_coll, inplace)
apply(self, func, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs)
Alias for the apply_func
Name | Type | Description | Default |
func |
object |
Function to map across image collection. Function must accept ee.Image as first argument |
required |
inplace |
bool |
define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False |
False |
**kwargs |
arbitrary keyword to pass to |
{} |
Type | Description |
Dataset | None |
copy of class with results from |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def apply(self, func, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs):
"""Alias for the `apply_func` method
func (object): Function to map across image collection. Function must accept ee.Image as first argument
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
**kwargs: arbitrary keyword to pass to `func`
Dataset | None: copy of class with results from `func` as image within collection property
return self.apply_func(func, inplace, *args, *kwargs)
apply_func(self, func, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs)
Wrapper method to apply a function to all of the image in the dataset. Makes a copy of the collection and reassigns the image collection property. Function must accept an ee.ImageCollection and return an ee.ImageCollection
Name | Type | Description | Default |
func |
object |
Function to map across image collection. Function must accept ee.Image as first argument |
required |
inplace |
bool |
define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False |
False |
**kwargs |
arbitrary keyword to pass to |
{} |
Type | Description |
Dataset | None |
copy of class with results from |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def apply_func(self, func, inplace=False, *args, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper method to apply a function to all of the image in the dataset.
Makes a copy of the collection and reassigns the image collection property.
Function must accept an ee.ImageCollection and return an ee.ImageCollection
func (object): Function to map across image collection. Function must accept ee.Image as first argument
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
**kwargs: arbitrary keyword to pass to `func`
Dataset | None: copy of class with results from `func` as image within collection property
# get a partial function to map over imagery with the keywords applied
# expects that the first positional arg is an
func = partial(func, **kwargs)
out_coll =
return self._inplace_wrapper(out_coll, inplace)
band_pass_adjustment(self, img)
Method to apply linear band transformation to dataset image collection.
Expects that dataset has properties self.gain
and self.bias
Name | Type | Description | Default |
img |
ee.Image |
image to apply regression on |
required |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def band_pass_adjustment(self, img):
"""Method to apply linear band transformation to dataset image collection.
Expects that dataset has properties `self.gain` and `self.bias` set
img (ee.Image): image to apply regression on
# linear regression coefficients for adjustment
return (
.set("system:time_start", img.get("system:time_start"))
clip_to_region(self, inplace=False)
Clips all of the images to the geographic extent defined by region. Useful for setting geometries on unbounded imagery in collection (e.g. MODIS or VIIRS imagery)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
inplace |
bool |
define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False |
False |
Type | Description |
Dataset | None |
returns dataset with imagery clipped to self.region or none depending on inplace |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def clip_to_region(self, inplace=False):
"""Clips all of the images to the geographic extent defined by region.
Useful for setting geometries on unbounded imagery in collection (e.g. MODIS or VIIRS imagery)
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset with imagery clipped to self.region or none depending on inplace
def clip(img):
"""Closure function to perform the clipping while carrying metadata"""
return ee.Image(img.clip(self.region))
out_coll =
return self._inplace_wrapper(out_coll, inplace)
returns a deep copy of the hydrafloods dataset class
Source code in hydrafloods/
def copy(self):
"""returns a deep copy of the hydrafloods dataset class"""
return copy.deepcopy(self)
filter(self, filter, inplace=False)
Wrapper method for applying a filter to a datset collection.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
filter |
ee.Filter |
an |
required |
Type | Description |
Dataset | None |
returns the dataset with the filtered collection. |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def filter(self, filter, inplace=False):
"""Wrapper method for applying a filter to a datset collection.
filter (ee.Filter): an `ee.Filter` object to apply to the dataset collection.
Dataset | None: returns the dataset with the filtered collection.
filtered = self.collection.filter(filter)
return self._inplace_wrapper(filtered, inplace)
Static method to convert an ee.ImageCollection object to a hf.Dataset object. This method will take some time as it uses computed ee Objects from the image collection propeties to populate the Dataset object properties (passing info from server to client)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
img_collection |
ee.ImageCollection |
computed ee.ImageCollection object to create a hf.Dataset |
required |
Type | Description |
hf.Dataset |
dataset object with property information directly from the ee.ImageCollection |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def from_imgcollection(img_collection):
"""Static method to convert an ee.ImageCollection object to a hf.Dataset object.
This method will take some time as it uses computed ee Objects from the image collection
propeties to populate the Dataset object properties (passing info from server to client)
img_collection (ee.ImageCollection): computed ee.ImageCollection object to create a hf.Dataset
hf.Dataset: dataset object with property information directly from the ee.ImageCollection
# get region and date information
region = (
# convert ee.Date info to string format
dates = (
.map(lambda x: ee.Date(x).format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S"))
# pull the date info to local strings
start_time = dates.get(0).getInfo()
end_time = dates.get(-1).getInfo()
# get the collection id for `.asset_id` property
collection_id = img_collection.get("system:id").getInfo()
if collection_id == "None":
collection_id = "Custom ImageCollection"
# make a dummy dataset
dummy_ds = Dataset(
# override the dummy dataset information with the correct data fr
dummy_ds.asset_id = collection_id
dummy_ds.collection = img_collection
return dummy_ds
join(self, dataset, inplace=False)
Performs spatiotemporal join between self.collection and dataset.collection. Result will be a dataset where the collection is colocated imagery in space and time
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dataset |
Dataset |
dataset object to apply join with. Used as right in join operations |
required |
inplace |
bool |
define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False |
False |
Type | Description |
Dataset | None |
returns dataset where collection with joined imagery or none depending on inplace |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def join(self, dataset, inplace=False):
"""Performs spatiotemporal join between self.collection and dataset.collection.
Result will be a dataset where the collection is colocated imagery in space and time
dataset (Dataset): dataset object to apply join with. Used as right in join operations
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset where collection with joined imagery or none depending on inplace
def _merge(img):
"""Closure func to take results from the join and combine into one image with overlaping region"""
join_coll = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(img.get(key))
img_geom = img.geometry(100)
join_geom =
overlap = img_geom.intersection(join_geom, 100)
join_data = join_coll.mosaic()
return img.addBands(join_data).clip(overlap)
key = str(dataset.__class__.__name__)
# get a time and space filter
filter = ee.Filter.And(
"difference": 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, # One day in milliseconds
"leftField": "system:time_start",
"rightField": "system:time_start",
**{"leftField": ".geo", "rightField": ".geo", "maxError": 100}
# apply join on collections and save all results
joined = ee.ImageCollection(
primary=self.collection, secondary=dataset.collection, condition=filter
# map over all filtered imagery, mosaic joined matches, and add bands to imagery
joined =
return self._inplace_wrapper(joined, inplace)
merge(self, dataset, inplace=False)
Merge the collection of two datasets into one where self.collection will contain imagery from self and dataset arg. Results will be sorted by time
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dataset |
Dataset |
dataset object to merge |
required |
inplace |
bool |
define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False |
False |
Type | Description |
Dataset | None |
returns dataset where collection is merged imagery or none depending on inplace |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def merge(self, dataset, inplace=False):
"""Merge the collection of two datasets into one where self.collection will contain imagery from self and dataset arg.
Results will be sorted by time
dataset (Dataset): dataset object to merge
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset where collection is merged imagery or none depending on inplace
merged = self.collection.merge(dataset.collection).sort("system:time_start")
return self._inplace_wrapper(merged, inplace)
pipe(self, steps, inplace=False, keep_attrs=True)
Method to pipe imagery within dataset through multiple functions at once. Assumes the first argument into piped functions are and ee.Image
Name | Type | Description | Default |
steps |
list | tuple |
iterable of functions/steps to apply to imagery. list must be in the form of (func,func) or with a tuple of function/keyword ((func,kwargs),func) |
required |
inplace |
bool |
define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False |
False |
Type | Description |
Dataset | None |
returns dataset.collection with piped functions applied |
s1 = hf.Sentinel1(ee.Geometry.Point(105.03,11.72),"2019-10-03","2019-10-05")
water = s1.pipe(
hf.gamma_map, #apply speckle filter
(hf.egde_ostu,{'initial_threshold:-16}) # apply water mapping
Source code in hydrafloods/
def pipe(self, steps, inplace=False, keep_attrs=True):
"""Method to pipe imagery within dataset through multiple functions at once.
Assumes the first argument into piped functions are and ee.Image
steps (list | tuple): iterable of functions/steps to apply to imagery.
list must be in the form of (func,func) or with a tuple of function/keyword ((func,kwargs),func)
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset.collection with piped functions applied
s1 = hf.Sentinel1(ee.Geometry.Point(105.03,11.72),"2019-10-03","2019-10-05")
water = s1.pipe(
hf.gamma_map, #apply speckle filter
(hf.egde_ostu,{'initial_threshold:-16}) # apply water mapping
def _piper(funcs):
"""Closure function to nest list of functions"""
if len(funcs) > 1:
one_shotter = funcs[0]
for func in funcs[1:]:
one_shotter = pipe | one_shotter | func
one_shotter = funcs[0]
return one_shotter
fs = []
# loop through the steps and create partial funcs is kwargs are provided
for step in steps:
func, kwargs = step
except TypeError:
func = step
kwargs = None
if kwargs is not None:
pfunc = partial(func, **kwargs)
pfunc = func
# get the piped function
if keep_attrs:
one_shot = decorators.keep_attrs(_piper(fs))
one_shot = _piper(fs)
# apply pipe to each image
out_coll = img: one_shot(img))
return self._inplace_wrapper(out_coll, inplace)
select(self, *args, *, inplace=False)
Wrapper method for selecting bands from dataset collection
Name | Type | Description | Default |
*args |
arbitrary arguments to pass to the |
() |
inplace |
bool |
define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False |
False |
Type | Description |
Dataset | None |
returns the dataset with the collection with selected bands. |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def select(self, *args, inplace=False):
"""Wrapper method for selecting bands from dataset collection
*args: arbitrary arguments to pass to the `` method
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns the dataset with the collection with selected bands.
selected =*args)
return self._inplace_wrapper(selected, inplace)
hydrafloods.datasets.Sentinel1 (Dataset)
Class extending dataset for the Sentinel 1 collection This Sentinel 1 dataset is in backscatter units
Source code in hydrafloods/
class Sentinel1(Dataset):
"""Class extending dataset for the Sentinel 1 collection
This Sentinel 1 dataset is in backscatter units
def __init__(self, *args, asset_id="COPERNICUS/S1_GRD", use_qa=True, **kwargs):
"""Initialize Sentinel1 Dataset class
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the Sentinel 1 earth engine collection. default="COPERNICUS/S1_GRD"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Sentinel1, self).__init__(
*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs
self.collection = self.collection.filter(
ee.Filter.listContains("transmitterReceiverPolarisation", "VH")
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for Sentinel1 backscatter based on view angle
Angle threshold values taken from
angle ="angle")
angle_mask =
return img.updateMask(angle_mask)
def add_orbit_band(self, inplace=False):
"""Method to add orbit band from S1 image metadata
Useful for determining if pixels are from ascending or descending orbits
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset.collection where imagery has the added bands
def _add_features(img):
"""Closure function to add features as bands to the images"""
bounds = img.geometry(100)
orbit = ee.String(img.get("orbitProperties_pass"))
orbit_band = ee.Algorithms.If(
orbit.compareTo("DESCENDING"), ee.Image(1), ee.Image(0)
extraFeatures = ee.Image(orbit_band).rename("orbit")
return img.addBands(extraFeatures.clip(bounds))
return self.apply_func(_add_features, inplace=inplace)
def to_db(self, inplace=False):
"""Convience method to convert units from power to db"""
out_coll =
if inplace:
self.collection = out_coll
outCls = self.copy()
outCls.collection = out_coll
return outCls
def to_power(self, inplace=False):
"""Convience method to convert units from db to power"""
out_coll =
if inplace:
self.collection = out_coll
outCls = self.copy()
outCls.collection = out_coll
return outCls
__init__(self, *args, *, asset_id='COPERNICUS/S1_GRD', use_qa=True, **kwargs)
Initialize Sentinel1 Dataset class
Name | Type | Description | Default |
*args |
positional arguments to pass to |
() |
asset_id |
str |
asset id of the Sentinel 1 earth engine collection. default="COPERNICUS/S1_GRD" |
use_qa |
bool |
boolean to determine to use a private |
True |
**kwargs |
optional |
addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to |
{} |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def __init__(self, *args, asset_id="COPERNICUS/S1_GRD", use_qa=True, **kwargs):
"""Initialize Sentinel1 Dataset class
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the Sentinel 1 earth engine collection. default="COPERNICUS/S1_GRD"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Sentinel1, self).__init__(
*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs
self.collection = self.collection.filter(
ee.Filter.listContains("transmitterReceiverPolarisation", "VH")
add_orbit_band(self, inplace=False)
Method to add orbit band from S1 image metadata Useful for determining if pixels are from ascending or descending orbits
Name | Type | Description | Default |
inplace |
bool |
define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False |
False |
Type | Description |
Dataset | None |
returns dataset.collection where imagery has the added bands |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def add_orbit_band(self, inplace=False):
"""Method to add orbit band from S1 image metadata
Useful for determining if pixels are from ascending or descending orbits
inplace (bool, optional): define whether to return another dataset object or update inplace. default = False
Dataset | None: returns dataset.collection where imagery has the added bands
def _add_features(img):
"""Closure function to add features as bands to the images"""
bounds = img.geometry(100)
orbit = ee.String(img.get("orbitProperties_pass"))
orbit_band = ee.Algorithms.If(
orbit.compareTo("DESCENDING"), ee.Image(1), ee.Image(0)
extraFeatures = ee.Image(orbit_band).rename("orbit")
return img.addBands(extraFeatures.clip(bounds))
return self.apply_func(_add_features, inplace=inplace)
qa(self, img)
Custom QA masking method for Sentinel1 backscatter based on view angle Angle threshold values taken from
Source code in hydrafloods/
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for Sentinel1 backscatter based on view angle
Angle threshold values taken from
angle ="angle")
angle_mask =
return img.updateMask(angle_mask)
to_db(self, inplace=False)
Convience method to convert units from power to db
Source code in hydrafloods/
def to_db(self, inplace=False):
"""Convience method to convert units from power to db"""
out_coll =
if inplace:
self.collection = out_coll
outCls = self.copy()
outCls.collection = out_coll
return outCls
to_power(self, inplace=False)
Convience method to convert units from db to power
Source code in hydrafloods/
def to_power(self, inplace=False):
"""Convience method to convert units from db to power"""
out_coll =
if inplace:
self.collection = out_coll
outCls = self.copy()
outCls.collection = out_coll
return outCls
hydrafloods.datasets.Sentinel2 (Dataset)
Source code in hydrafloods/
class Sentinel2(Dataset):
def __init__(
"""Initialize Sentinel2 Dataset class
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the Sentinel2 earth engine collection. default="COPERNICUS/S2_SR"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
apply_band_adjustment (bool, optional): boolean switch to apply linear band pass equation to convert values to Landsat8. default=False
rescale (bool, optional): boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Sentinel2, self).__init__(
*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs
coll =
self.BANDREMAP.get("sen2"), self.BANDREMAP.get("new")
if apply_band_adjustment:
# band bass adjustment coefficients taken HLS project
# slope coefficients
self.gain = ee.Image.constant(
[0.9778, 1.0053, 0.9765, 0.9983, 0.9987, 1.003]
# y-intercept coefficients
self.bias = ee.Image.constant(
[-0.00411, -0.00093, 0.00094, -0.0001, -0.0015, -0.0012]
coll =
self.collection = coll
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for Sentinel2 surface reflectance dataset"""
NIR_DRK_THRESH = 0.175 * 1e4
BUFFER = 100
# Get s2cloudless image, subset the probability band.
cld_prb = ee.Image(
.filter(ee.Filter.eq("system:index", img.get("system:index")))
# Condition s2cloudless by the probability threshold value.
is_cloud =
# Identify water pixels from the SCL band, invert.
not_water ="SCL").neq(6)
# Identify dark NIR pixels that are not water (potential cloud shadow pixels).
dark_pixels ="B8").lt(NIR_DRK_THRESH).multiply(not_water)
# Determine the direction to project cloud shadow from clouds (assumes UTM projection).
shadow_azimuth = ee.Number(90).subtract(
# Project shadows from clouds for the distance specified by the CLD_PRJ_DIST input.
cld_proj = (
is_cloud.directionalDistanceTransform(shadow_azimuth, CLD_PRJ_DIST * 10)
.reproject(**{"crs": CRS, "scale": 120})
# Identify the intersection of dark pixels with cloud shadow projection.
is_shadow = cld_proj.multiply(dark_pixels)
# Combine cloud and shadow mask, set cloud and shadow as value 1, else 0.
is_cld_shdw = is_cloud.add(is_shadow).gt(0)
# Remove small cloud-shadow patches and dilate remaining pixels by BUFFER input.
# 20 m scale is for speed, and assumes clouds don't require 10 m precision.
is_cld_shdw = (
.focal_max(BUFFER * 2 / 20)
.reproject(**{"crs": CRS, "scale": 60})
# Subset reflectance bands and update their masks, return the result.
return geeutils.rescale(img).select("B.*").updateMask(is_cld_shdw.Not())
__init__(self, *args, *, asset_id='COPERNICUS/S2_SR', use_qa=True, apply_band_adjustment=False, **kwargs)
Initialize Sentinel2 Dataset class
Name | Type | Description | Default |
*args |
positional arguments to pass to |
() |
asset_id |
str |
asset id of the Sentinel2 earth engine collection. default="COPERNICUS/S2_SR" |
use_qa |
bool |
boolean to determine to use a private |
True |
apply_band_adjustment |
bool |
boolean switch to apply linear band pass equation to convert values to Landsat8. default=False |
False |
rescale |
bool |
boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False |
required |
**kwargs |
optional |
addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to |
{} |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def __init__(
"""Initialize Sentinel2 Dataset class
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the Sentinel2 earth engine collection. default="COPERNICUS/S2_SR"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
apply_band_adjustment (bool, optional): boolean switch to apply linear band pass equation to convert values to Landsat8. default=False
rescale (bool, optional): boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Sentinel2, self).__init__(
*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs
coll =
self.BANDREMAP.get("sen2"), self.BANDREMAP.get("new")
if apply_band_adjustment:
# band bass adjustment coefficients taken HLS project
# slope coefficients
self.gain = ee.Image.constant(
[0.9778, 1.0053, 0.9765, 0.9983, 0.9987, 1.003]
# y-intercept coefficients
self.bias = ee.Image.constant(
[-0.00411, -0.00093, 0.00094, -0.0001, -0.0015, -0.0012]
coll =
self.collection = coll
qa(self, img)
Custom QA masking method for Sentinel2 surface reflectance dataset
Source code in hydrafloods/
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for Sentinel2 surface reflectance dataset"""
NIR_DRK_THRESH = 0.175 * 1e4
BUFFER = 100
# Get s2cloudless image, subset the probability band.
cld_prb = ee.Image(
.filter(ee.Filter.eq("system:index", img.get("system:index")))
# Condition s2cloudless by the probability threshold value.
is_cloud =
# Identify water pixels from the SCL band, invert.
not_water ="SCL").neq(6)
# Identify dark NIR pixels that are not water (potential cloud shadow pixels).
dark_pixels ="B8").lt(NIR_DRK_THRESH).multiply(not_water)
# Determine the direction to project cloud shadow from clouds (assumes UTM projection).
shadow_azimuth = ee.Number(90).subtract(
# Project shadows from clouds for the distance specified by the CLD_PRJ_DIST input.
cld_proj = (
is_cloud.directionalDistanceTransform(shadow_azimuth, CLD_PRJ_DIST * 10)
.reproject(**{"crs": CRS, "scale": 120})
# Identify the intersection of dark pixels with cloud shadow projection.
is_shadow = cld_proj.multiply(dark_pixels)
# Combine cloud and shadow mask, set cloud and shadow as value 1, else 0.
is_cld_shdw = is_cloud.add(is_shadow).gt(0)
# Remove small cloud-shadow patches and dilate remaining pixels by BUFFER input.
# 20 m scale is for speed, and assumes clouds don't require 10 m precision.
is_cld_shdw = (
.focal_max(BUFFER * 2 / 20)
.reproject(**{"crs": CRS, "scale": 60})
# Subset reflectance bands and update their masks, return the result.
return geeutils.rescale(img).select("B.*").updateMask(is_cld_shdw.Not())
hydrafloods.datasets.Landsat8 (Dataset)
Source code in hydrafloods/
class Landsat8(Dataset):
def __init__(
"""Initialize Landsat8 Dataset class
Can theoretically be useds with any Landsat surface reflectance collection (e.g. LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_SR)
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the Landsat earth engine collection. default="LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
rescale (bool, optional): boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Landsat8, self).__init__(
*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs
self.collection =
self.BANDREMAP.get("landsat8"), self.BANDREMAP.get("new")
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for Landsat8 surface reflectance dataset"""
qa_band ="QA_PIXEL")
qa_flag = int('111111',2)
sat_mask ='QA_RADSAT').eq(0);
mask = qa_band.bitwiseAnd(qa_flag).eq(0).And(sat_mask)
return geeutils.rescale(img, scale = 0.0000275, offset = -0.2).updateMask(mask)
__init__(self, *args, *, asset_id='LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2', use_qa=True, **kwargs)
Initialize Landsat8 Dataset class Can theoretically be useds with any Landsat surface reflectance collection (e.g. LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_SR)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
*args |
positional arguments to pass to |
() |
asset_id |
str |
asset id of the Landsat earth engine collection. default="LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR" |
'LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2' |
use_qa |
bool |
boolean to determine to use a private |
True |
rescale |
bool |
boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False |
required |
**kwargs |
optional |
addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to |
{} |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def __init__(
"""Initialize Landsat8 Dataset class
Can theoretically be useds with any Landsat surface reflectance collection (e.g. LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_SR)
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the Landsat earth engine collection. default="LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
rescale (bool, optional): boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Landsat8, self).__init__(
*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs
self.collection =
self.BANDREMAP.get("landsat8"), self.BANDREMAP.get("new")
qa(self, img)
Custom QA masking method for Landsat8 surface reflectance dataset
Source code in hydrafloods/
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for Landsat8 surface reflectance dataset"""
qa_band ="QA_PIXEL")
qa_flag = int('111111',2)
sat_mask ='QA_RADSAT').eq(0);
mask = qa_band.bitwiseAnd(qa_flag).eq(0).And(sat_mask)
return geeutils.rescale(img, scale = 0.0000275, offset = -0.2).updateMask(mask)
hydrafloods.datasets.Landsat7 (Dataset)
Source code in hydrafloods/
class Landsat7(Dataset):
def __init__(
"""Initialize Landsat7 Dataset class
Can theoretically be useds with any Landsat surface reflectance collection (e.g. LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_SR)
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the Landsat7 earth engine collection. default="LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_SR"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
apply_band_adjustment (bool, optional): boolean switch to apply linear band pass equation to convert values to Landsat8. default=False
rescale (bool, optional): boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Landsat7, self).__init__(
*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs
coll =
self.BANDREMAP.get("landsat7"), self.BANDREMAP.get("new")
if apply_band_adjustment:
# band bass adjustment coefficients taken from Roy et al., 2016
# slope coefficients
self.gain = ee.Image.constant(
[0.8474, 0.8483, 0.9047, 0.8462, 0.8937, 0.9071]
# y-intercept coefficients
self.bias = ee.Image.constant(
[0.0003, 0.0088, 0.0061, 0.0412, 0.0254, 0.0172]
coll =
self.collection = coll
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for Landsat7 surface reflectance dataset"""
qa_band ="QA_PIXEL")
qa_flag = int('111111',2)
sat_mask ='QA_RADSAT').eq(0);
mask = qa_band.bitwiseAnd(qa_flag).eq(0).And(sat_mask)
return geeutils.rescale(img, scale = 0.0000275, offset = -0.2).updateMask(mask)
__init__(self, *args, *, asset_id='LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_L2', use_qa=True, apply_band_adjustment=False, **kwargs)
Initialize Landsat7 Dataset class Can theoretically be useds with any Landsat surface reflectance collection (e.g. LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_SR)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
*args |
positional arguments to pass to |
() |
asset_id |
str |
asset id of the Landsat7 earth engine collection. default="LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_SR" |
'LANDSAT/LE07/C02/T1_L2' |
use_qa |
bool |
boolean to determine to use a private |
True |
apply_band_adjustment |
bool |
boolean switch to apply linear band pass equation to convert values to Landsat8. default=False |
False |
rescale |
bool |
boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False |
required |
**kwargs |
optional |
addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to |
{} |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def __init__(
"""Initialize Landsat7 Dataset class
Can theoretically be useds with any Landsat surface reflectance collection (e.g. LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_SR)
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the Landsat7 earth engine collection. default="LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_SR"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
apply_band_adjustment (bool, optional): boolean switch to apply linear band pass equation to convert values to Landsat8. default=False
rescale (bool, optional): boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Landsat7, self).__init__(
*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs
coll =
self.BANDREMAP.get("landsat7"), self.BANDREMAP.get("new")
if apply_band_adjustment:
# band bass adjustment coefficients taken from Roy et al., 2016
# slope coefficients
self.gain = ee.Image.constant(
[0.8474, 0.8483, 0.9047, 0.8462, 0.8937, 0.9071]
# y-intercept coefficients
self.bias = ee.Image.constant(
[0.0003, 0.0088, 0.0061, 0.0412, 0.0254, 0.0172]
coll =
self.collection = coll
qa(self, img)
Custom QA masking method for Landsat7 surface reflectance dataset
Source code in hydrafloods/
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for Landsat7 surface reflectance dataset"""
qa_band ="QA_PIXEL")
qa_flag = int('111111',2)
sat_mask ='QA_RADSAT').eq(0);
mask = qa_band.bitwiseAnd(qa_flag).eq(0).And(sat_mask)
return geeutils.rescale(img, scale = 0.0000275, offset = -0.2).updateMask(mask)
hydrafloods.datasets.Viirs (Dataset)
Source code in hydrafloods/
class Viirs(Dataset):
def __init__(
"""Initialize VIIRS Dataset class
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the VIIRS earth engine collection. default="NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP09GA"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
apply_band_adjustment (bool, optional): boolean switch to apply linear band pass equation to convert values to Landsat8. default=False
rescale (bool, optional): boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Viirs, self).__init__(*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs)
# get the bands and rename to common optical names
coll =
self.BANDREMAP.get("viirs"), self.BANDREMAP.get("new")
if apply_band_adjustment:
# band bass adjustment coefficients taken calculated from
# slope coefficients
self.gain = ee.Image.constant(
[0.68328, 0.66604, 0.78901, 0.95324, 0.98593, 0.88941]
# y-intercept coefficients
self.bias = ee.Image.constant(
[0.016728, 0.030814, 0.023199, 0.036571, 0.026923, 0.021615]
coll =
self.collection = coll
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for VIIRS VNP09GA dataset"""
cloudMask = geeutils.extract_bits("QF1"), 2, end=3, new_name="cloud_qa"
shadowMask = geeutils.extract_bits("QF2"), 3, new_name="shadow_qa"
snowMask = geeutils.extract_bits("QF2"), 5, new_name="snow_qa").Not()
sensorZenith ="SensorZenith").abs().lt(6000)
env_mask = cloudMask.And(shadowMask).And(sensorZenith)
# internal pixel quality masks
pixal_quality_3 ="QF3")
pixal_quality_4 ="QF4")
m2_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_3, 1, new_name="m2_quality").eq(0)
m4_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_3, 3, new_name="m4_quality").eq(0)
m11_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_4, 0, new_name="m11_quality").eq(0)
i1_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_4, 1, new_name="i1_quality").eq(0)
i2_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_4, 2, new_name="i2_quality").eq(0)
i3_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_4, 3, new_name="i3_quality").eq(0)
qual_mask = m2_qual.And(m4_qual).And(m11_qual).And(i1_qual).And(i2_qual).And(i3_qual)
mask = env_mask.And(qual_mask)
return geeutils.rescale(img).updateMask(mask)
__init__(self, *args, *, asset_id='NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP09GA', use_qa=True, apply_band_adjustment=False, **kwargs)
Initialize VIIRS Dataset class
Name | Type | Description | Default |
*args |
positional arguments to pass to |
() |
asset_id |
str |
asset id of the VIIRS earth engine collection. default="NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP09GA" |
use_qa |
bool |
boolean to determine to use a private |
True |
apply_band_adjustment |
bool |
boolean switch to apply linear band pass equation to convert values to Landsat8. default=False |
False |
rescale |
bool |
boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False |
required |
**kwargs |
optional |
addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to |
{} |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def __init__(
"""Initialize VIIRS Dataset class
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the VIIRS earth engine collection. default="NOAA/VIIRS/001/VNP09GA"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
apply_band_adjustment (bool, optional): boolean switch to apply linear band pass equation to convert values to Landsat8. default=False
rescale (bool, optional): boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Viirs, self).__init__(*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs)
# get the bands and rename to common optical names
coll =
self.BANDREMAP.get("viirs"), self.BANDREMAP.get("new")
if apply_band_adjustment:
# band bass adjustment coefficients taken calculated from
# slope coefficients
self.gain = ee.Image.constant(
[0.68328, 0.66604, 0.78901, 0.95324, 0.98593, 0.88941]
# y-intercept coefficients
self.bias = ee.Image.constant(
[0.016728, 0.030814, 0.023199, 0.036571, 0.026923, 0.021615]
coll =
self.collection = coll
qa(self, img)
Custom QA masking method for VIIRS VNP09GA dataset
Source code in hydrafloods/
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for VIIRS VNP09GA dataset"""
cloudMask = geeutils.extract_bits("QF1"), 2, end=3, new_name="cloud_qa"
shadowMask = geeutils.extract_bits("QF2"), 3, new_name="shadow_qa"
snowMask = geeutils.extract_bits("QF2"), 5, new_name="snow_qa").Not()
sensorZenith ="SensorZenith").abs().lt(6000)
env_mask = cloudMask.And(shadowMask).And(sensorZenith)
# internal pixel quality masks
pixal_quality_3 ="QF3")
pixal_quality_4 ="QF4")
m2_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_3, 1, new_name="m2_quality").eq(0)
m4_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_3, 3, new_name="m4_quality").eq(0)
m11_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_4, 0, new_name="m11_quality").eq(0)
i1_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_4, 1, new_name="i1_quality").eq(0)
i2_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_4, 2, new_name="i2_quality").eq(0)
i3_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality_4, 3, new_name="i3_quality").eq(0)
qual_mask = m2_qual.And(m4_qual).And(m11_qual).And(i1_qual).And(i2_qual).And(i3_qual)
mask = env_mask.And(qual_mask)
return geeutils.rescale(img).updateMask(mask)
hydrafloods.datasets.Modis (Dataset)
Source code in hydrafloods/
class Modis(Dataset):
def __init__(
self, *args, asset_id="MODIS/006/MOD09GA", use_qa=True, **kwargs
"""Initialize MODIS Dataset class
Can be used with MOD09GA and MYD09GA
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the MODIS earth engine collection. default="MODIS/006/MOD09GA"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
rescale (bool, optional): boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Modis, self).__init__(*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs)
self.collection =
self.BANDREMAP.get("modis"), self.BANDREMAP.get("new")
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for MODIS MXD09GA dataset"""
# internal env masks
qa ="state_1km")
cloudMask = geeutils.extract_bits(qa, 10, end=11, new_name="cloud_qa").lt(1)
shadowMask = geeutils.extract_bits(qa, 2, new_name="shadow_qa").Not()
snowMask = geeutils.extract_bits(qa, 12, new_name="snow_qa").Not()
cloudAdjMask = geeutils.extract_bits(qa, 13, new_name="cloud_adjacency_qa").Not()
sensorZenith ="SensorZenith").abs().lt(6000)
env_mask = cloudMask.And(shadowMask).And(snowMask).And(sensorZenith).And(cloudAdjMask)
# internal pixel quality masks
pixal_quality ="QC_500m")
b1_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 2, end=5, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
b2_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 6, end=9, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
b3_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 10, end=13, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
b4_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 14, end=17, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
b6_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 22, end=25, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
b7_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 26, end=29, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
qual_mask = b1_qual.And(b2_qual).And(b3_qual).And(b4_qual).And(b6_qual).And(b7_qual)
mask = env_mask.And(qual_mask)
return geeutils.rescale(img).updateMask(mask)
__init__(self, *args, *, asset_id='MODIS/006/MOD09GA', use_qa=True, **kwargs)
Initialize MODIS Dataset class Can be used with MOD09GA and MYD09GA
Name | Type | Description | Default |
*args |
positional arguments to pass to |
() |
asset_id |
str |
asset id of the MODIS earth engine collection. default="MODIS/006/MOD09GA" |
'MODIS/006/MOD09GA' |
use_qa |
bool |
boolean to determine to use a private |
True |
rescale |
bool |
boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False |
required |
**kwargs |
optional |
addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to |
{} |
Source code in hydrafloods/
def __init__(
self, *args, asset_id="MODIS/006/MOD09GA", use_qa=True, **kwargs
"""Initialize MODIS Dataset class
Can be used with MOD09GA and MYD09GA
*args: positional arguments to pass to `Dataset` (i.e. `region`, `start_time`, `end_time`)
asset_id (str): asset id of the MODIS earth engine collection. default="MODIS/006/MOD09GA"
use_qa (bool, optional): boolean to determine to use a private `` function. default=True
rescale (bool, optional): boolean switch to convert units from scaled int (0-10000) to float (0-1). If false values will be scaled int. default = False
**kwargs (optional): addtional arbitrary keywords to pass to `Dataset`
super(Modis, self).__init__(*args, asset_id=asset_id, use_qa=use_qa, **kwargs)
self.collection =
self.BANDREMAP.get("modis"), self.BANDREMAP.get("new")
qa(self, img)
Custom QA masking method for MODIS MXD09GA dataset
Source code in hydrafloods/
def qa(self, img):
"""Custom QA masking method for MODIS MXD09GA dataset"""
# internal env masks
qa ="state_1km")
cloudMask = geeutils.extract_bits(qa, 10, end=11, new_name="cloud_qa").lt(1)
shadowMask = geeutils.extract_bits(qa, 2, new_name="shadow_qa").Not()
snowMask = geeutils.extract_bits(qa, 12, new_name="snow_qa").Not()
cloudAdjMask = geeutils.extract_bits(qa, 13, new_name="cloud_adjacency_qa").Not()
sensorZenith ="SensorZenith").abs().lt(6000)
env_mask = cloudMask.And(shadowMask).And(snowMask).And(sensorZenith).And(cloudAdjMask)
# internal pixel quality masks
pixal_quality ="QC_500m")
b1_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 2, end=5, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
b2_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 6, end=9, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
b3_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 10, end=13, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
b4_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 14, end=17, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
b6_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 22, end=25, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
b7_qual = geeutils.extract_bits(pixal_quality, 26, end=29, new_name="b1_quality").eq(0)
qual_mask = b1_qual.And(b2_qual).And(b3_qual).And(b4_qual).And(b6_qual).And(b7_qual)
mask = env_mask.And(qual_mask)
return geeutils.rescale(img).updateMask(mask)